Pneumatic Filling Machines Remove Electrical Issues For Packagers
Standard power for most liquid filling machines will include some type of electrical requirement, in other words, you plug in the machine to make it work. However, filling machines are used to package just about every liquid product available to consumers, some of which just don't mix with sparks or electrical arcs. For these products, the removal of electrical requirements from the packaging process is crucial to the safety of all of those involved in the process.
A pneumatic filling machine simply requires compressed air to perform the same functions that would normally be driven by electricity on such equipment. In general terms, rather than sending an electrical signal to open and close valves, activate a pump or otherwise perform some function of the filling process, compressed air is used to achieve the same basic end. The functions of the compressed air will depend on the type of liquid filler being used in each individual application. For example, a piston filling machine might use an electric signal to begin the stroke of the piston for each fill cycle, whereas the pneumatic piston filler will use compressed air, possibly activated by a simple foot switch, to control the stroke. It is much the same for other filling machines using a pump. In many cases an electrical signal will be sent from a control box to the pump, telling the pump when to turn on and off for the fill cycle. With an air diaphragm pump and simple timers, compressed air expands and deflates the diaphragm allowing product to be pumped without the use of that electrical signal. Of course, these are only a couple examples of how air can replace electricity in the packaging process.
As noted above, there can be a couple different reasons why air will be preferred, or even required, over electric. In a few cases, the facility where the packaging is taking place simply may not offer the necessary electrical requirements for the different packaging machines. However, most of the time, pneumatic filling machines are manufactured for those packaging hazardous products. Alcohols, certain chemicals and other flammable products have the potential to cause great injury to both persons and equipment if a spark or arc occurs at the wrong time and place, a risk that is simply unacceptable when dealing with such products.
In some situations, even fumes from a product can create a dangerous atmosphere, which calls for hazardous location construction of not just the filling machine, but other packaging equipment as well. For more information on pneumatic and hazardous packaging equipment, including information on whether such equipment will fit your own specific project needs, contact a packaging specialist at Liquid Packaging Solutions today.