
Choosing the Right Liquid Filling Machine for Your Business

Finding the right liquid filler for your own packaging project can increase efficiency and consistency in the preparation of your products. With so many different filling principles and various levels of automation, it is not always an easy task to recognize the best solution. Listed below are three items to consider when choosing a liquid filling machine.


The characteristics of the products being bottled will always play a part in the selection of the best filling machine. Product viscosity will help a packager decide if they can use gravity to move the liquid or if their project requires the aid of a pump or piston to push fluids through the filler. Does viscosity of your products vary based on temperature? Are there particulates that need to get through the nozzles? Do products need to be filled at a certain temperature? Taking a look at all the products to be filled and the characteristics of all the different liquids will help you identify the best filling principle and the necessary components, such as nozzle modifications, drip trays, bottom up filling, and more.


The next step involves exploring not only your current production demand, but the expected increase in output in the future. Looking at the amount of product that is currently being prepared every day, week, or month will guide you to the correct level of automation for your current needs. For instance, a semi-automatic tabletop filling machine may cover the needs of a craft distiller currently preparing several cases a week. However, if that same craft distiller expects production to increase drastically as they take on new markets or add new products, a full-frame liquid filler may be a better option, allow the addition of another level of automation in the future and giving the machinery room to grow with the company.


Finally, look at your entire packaging process to calculate the space available for the filling process. Even packagers with small spaces can take advantage of automation via tabletop machines or monoblock filling systems. To add even more efficiency, study the space available to find the best location for the equipment, such as near the bulk storage space for products and bottles. Setting up the filling in the right location and designated space can add efficiency not just to the process of filling but to the entire packaging operation.

While other factors will be considered on a case-by-case basis, these three factors will always be key in finding the ideal liquid filling machine for any project. To find the most efficient equipment for your own project, call Liquid Packaging Solutions today for a free analysis of your own project with the help of a Filling Machine Expert from LPS.