
Adding Efficiency With Tabletop Capping Machines

Hand capping hundreds, or even thousands, of bottles every time a product is prepared for the shelf can be a long, tedious project. While the process may start efficiently, fatigue can quickly set in. Fatigue can also lead to inconsistent sealing, not to mention the danger of repetitive motion injuries. Tabletop capping machines can add consistency and efficiency to the capping process while limiting the danger of worker injuries.

Tabletop capping machines are manufactured to handle certain types of closures, just like automatic machinery. Tabletop chuck and spindle cappers tighten continuous thread closures, bottle corkers are used for T-corks and other cork-like closures, snap capping machines snap on different types of lids and press-on closures. Regardless of the type of machine used, tabletop cappers are built to make the process easier on the operator of the machine.

Typically, the semi-automatic tabletop cappers will require assistance from the operator of the equipment with each cycle. The operator will place the cap on the bottle or other container and slide it into the proper position for capping. Depending on the capping machine, the operator may also need to begin the capping process by using a finger switch or foot switch. Many cappers will use sensors to begin the capping process when the bottle and cap are in place. As an example, a person using a tabletop chuck capping machine would place a screw-on cap on top of the container, such as a water bottle. The closure and the bottle would then be placed into a nest on the chuck capper and the chuck head would descend to apply torque and tighten the cap.

Using a tabletop capping machine gives packagers different options for setting up their capping process and other equipment can also be combined to add efficiency as well. Turntables can be used to gather bottles and quickly add caps before the capping process. They can also be used to gather sealed bottles and quickly prepare or move them to the next packaging stage. Conveyors can be added to line up bottles for cap placement, quickly deliver bottles to and from the cappign area or, like turntables, to gather bottles after they have been sealed. While tabletop capping machines can provide added speed to the capping process and help to prevent manual labor injuries, the ability to reliably and consistently close products for the consumer are also added benefits.

To learn more about any of the tabletop capping machines offered by Liquid Packaging Solutions, browse the capping machinery section of the LPS website or contact a Packaging Specialist at LPS today.